Monday, July 18, 2011

About Me

I am a wife, mother, and grandmother, but foremost (and definitely most important), I am a daughter of the King.  Having grown up in the church, God and His Word have always been a part of my life.  When I was in my teens, we would often have contests to see who could memorize the most.  I always won, or if I didn’t win, I was one of the top memorizers.  My ability to memorizing the Word was something I always took pride in.  But as I became an adult, a mother, and a busy women; memorizing the Word took a “back seat” to all the busyness of life. 

Then a little over two years ago, I came to the realization that if my walk with the Lord was going to continue to grow that I needed to regain my focus to remember God’s Word.  I wish I could say that the minute God started dealing with me about focusing on memorizing/remembering His Word that I just jumped right in and did it.  But the truth is, I was busy, I was older, and I simply made excuses.  Memorizing wasn’t as easy as it had been when I was fifteen.  My mind didn’t work the same way, my life was more complicated.  But God kept dealing with me.  So, finally I started working on memorizing/remembering the Word.  At first it was very hard and I struggled.  There were times that I started to quit; then one day I stumbled on a solution of sorts for me.  If I saw the Scripture all the time it was easier to memorize.  So, I found pretty pictures and made myself screen savers for my computer with the scripture.  Then I realized that if the picture and the scripture coordinated, if together they “told a story”, that I could memorize better.  That is when the concept of making Scripture Pages started for me.  I shared my pages with my sisters and close friends who were also memorizing scriptures.  They started sending me their verses and having me make Scripture Pages for them.  I now happily share Scripture Pages with many friends and family. 

My goal for this blog is to share some of these Scripture Pages with you, you the reader.  In addition to sharing the Scripture Page, I will be telling you what the page means to me, what it means to a friend of mine or something I have read that is relevant to the scripture.  Please feel free to download any Scripture Page you see on this blog.

And … if you are one of those inquisitive souls like me … here is a little more about me.  I am the wife to a wonderful man named Leland.  He is an educator, a firefighter, and the best husband a woman could ask for.  Our blended family has 4 adult children, all of which live in the West Texas area, except for my oldest daughter … she is privileged to live in Heaven.  Another of our daughters is married and has four little boys.  We also have three dogs and live in Midland, Texas.  We are blessed to have an awesome home church, wonderful friends and a big extended family.

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