Monday, July 18, 2011

Make Your Own Scripture Page Book

A Scripture Page book is simply a small album of the scripture you are learning and the ones you have learnt.  Having a Scripture Page book is a good way to help in memorizing your scripture.  They should be small enough to carry in your purse, in your car, in your briefcase or with your Bible.  They are easy to make and even easier to give as gifts.

~ Start with Scripture pages – I print mine off on 4 x 6 photo paper, but you can use any size paper, print however you want.

~ Go to your local discount or dollar store and purchase an inexpensive photo album or brag book.  Something like this (you can often find these for $1 or $2):

~ Put your favorite Scripture Page on the front of the book

Or make yourself a custom cover that says this is your Scripture Page book

~ Now start filling it up.  My book is always a “work in progress”.  As the year progresses, it gets fuller and fuller.  4 or 5 Scriptures is a good start.  For that matter one Scripture Page is a start!

~ Keep filling your book over time with scriptures you are memorizing, have memorized or have meaning to you.

~ If it’s a gift, select scriptures that you want to bless someone with.  Add them to the book, then tie it with a cute bow.  Its all ready now!

~ Finally, if you have been following my blog and would love to have a Scripture Page book of your very own --- email me!  ( I will send a custom Scripture Page book with 6 – 7 “starter” verses in it to the first 10 people who email me with their name and address asking for a book.  These are free!!!!  So get yours now! (When you email me, give me your preference as to which type of Scripture Pages you would like included:  Variety, Encouragement, Healing or a Specific Theme.)

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