Sunday, July 31, 2011

Practical Examples for Memorizing

As I have previously said, I am a visual learner.  I need to be able to “see” the scripture to learn it.  So here are some examples of scriptures and how you could make them more visual:

Index Cards – you can’t ever go wrong with writing your scripture on an index card.  To make your card more interesting, try cutting out letters from a magazine to add emphasis to your scripture.  As you learn your scripture, make a second index card with just those highlighted letters.  

Making your own Scripture Pages – always feel free to copy the any of the ones that I have made.  But if you would like to make your own –here are some ideas.

Let’s look at John 3:30 first (“He must become greater; I must become less.”).  Now what do you notice about this scripture?  Well I notice that the scripture is telling me that as God is growing, becoming greater; that I should be getting less, or smaller.  So I take a piece of paper, and write down that mental picture that I have --- God bigger, me smaller.  It might look something like this:

Let me show you another example.  Remember, as I learn scriptures, I use whatever it is about that scripture that appeals to me, and make a picture about that.  A scripture about having power to tread on snakes is going to have a picture of a snake with it; a scripture about casting my burdens on Him would have a person with their arm in a cast (focus on CAST); a scripture about teach me your ways might have a teacher with it.

When I first looked at Jeremiah 31:3 (“I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”) I focused on the word Drawn.  Now I know that this scripture is really telling me that God wants to me to be drawn closer to Him, that is what He wants; but my FIRST mental picture was God drawing me! So, here is what I made to help me remember this scripture.

Remember, the key is to take whatever is the KEY part of the scripture to you – and putting it into a visual format.  Use magazines, scrapbook paper, drawings and photos.  Let your inner creative person come out.  It doesn’t really matter how perfect or great it looks – it only matters if it has meaning to you!

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