Monday, August 15, 2011

II Timothy 1:5 - Heritage

In II Timothy 1:5 Paul speaks fondly of Timothy and his family when he says, “I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice.  And I know that same faith continues strong in you.”  It is obvious the love that Paul has for Timothy, but just as obvious that Timothy had been raised by some Godly women.  He had been given a Godly heritage.

When I read this passage I often think of my own grandmother, Inis Fields.  One of my fondest memories of her occurred when I was eight years old.  I had been really sick so my mother had taken me to the doctor.  He discovered that I had appendicitis and needed immediate surgery.  He told my mother that she was to take me straight to the hospital, not to even go home to pack me a bag.  I remember being frightened as we headed for the hospital, making a quick stop to tell my father what was going on.  I also remember the one thing I asked of my mother --- please call Grandma and ask her to pray.  At eight years old I KNEW that with one call my Grandmother would be on her knees in prayer.  I honestly don’t remember being frightened after I was assured that Grandma would be called.  In fact, I only remember three things from having my appendix taken out --- they burst while I was on the operating table, I had to stay in the hospital for over a week (which to an eight year old is very boring) and my Grandma prayed for me.

Lately I have been examining my life and the heritage that I am leaving my children and grandchildren.  Long after I am gone, how will I be remembered?  As the woman they could always call when they needed prayer?  Or as something different?

I want to be like Lois and Eunice were to Timothy.  Like Inis and Ruth have been to me.  I want to be a woman who provides her family with a Godly heritage.

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