Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Luke 10:36-37 - It's Not About Me

This past Sunday, in Sunday School we talked about how often “It’s Not About Me” in relation to God and the way He works.  Then we walk into church and Mandy Gregg is leading worship and what does she say --- yep, you guessed it --- “It’s Not About Me.”  The concept of – It’s Not About Me – has been really been going over and over in my mind.  I have also been thinking about the Parable of the Good Samaritan and how Jesus instructed us to minister to others, to be a neighbor to everyone.  But, it got me to thinking …

What about the other two men who passed by the wounded man.  What were their reasons for passing by?  Were they pious and simply didn’t have time?  I know that is the mental picture I have always had.  But let me pose to you a different scenario.  Suppose that day, the thieves were targeting quite a few travelers on that lonely road.  Suppose the wounded man was actually the second man to be attacked?  Suppose that farther down the road, another man had also been attacked?  Maybe the Levite also had been attacked that day.  He too was wounded and hurting?  Scripture tells us in Luke 10:32, “Likewise a Levite, when he arrived at the place, came and looked, and passed by on the other side.”  We don’t know why he simply looked and passed on.  But, what if he too were wounded?  Did he possibly look at the man on the ground and feel compassion for him, but thought, “I can’t stop and help you.  I too am hurt and have to take care of myself.”?  How often do we also do that?  Become so focused on the hurt we are going through, our own needs, on ME, that we don’t take time for others who are also hurting?

A year ago I fell and broke my neck.  For three and a half long months I had to wear a stiff, confining neck brace.  During that time I had many “Why Me?” days.  My focus was on Me, Me, Me.  It was ALL about Me (at least in my mind).  I now wonder how many people I came in contact with during that time, at the hospital, at one of my many doctors’ appointments, at church – who were also hurting.  But because I was so focused on Me, I failed to minister to their hurts. 

The truth is – God was taking care of ME.  I really didn’t need to focus on me.  As a woman of faith, I forgot that when we turn our needs, our cares over to Him – that should end it for us.  God does not need my help!  In Psalm 37:25 we are reminded that, “I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread.”  And Philippians 4:19 tell us that, “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”  God had ME under control.  My focus should have been about who I could minister to, who needed to hear about God and His blessing.

So, I encourage you to remember – It’s Not About Me!  It’s about being a neighbor to those in need, ministering to others, worshipping Him and serving Him.

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