Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Psalm 34:8 and Galatians 5:13 – Finding the Joy of Learning God’s Word

Do you find trying to learn the Word is sometimes feels like work?  I know that at times I have felt that way.  But I don’t think that is what God intended.  In fact in Jeremiah 15:16 it says, “When your words came… they were my joy and my heart’s delight.” Not only should we find JOY in the actual Word of God, but learning His Word should also bring us joy.  I am afraid that too often we get bogged down in the process of learning, that dreaded thing called “memorizing”, that we forget that the Word should be our joy and heart’s delight.

So, today, I wanted to be playful about the Scripture Pages.  When you are looking for pictures to help aid in your learning of the word – you don’t have to always be so serious.  Try being playful!  What is more playful than using a picture of food that looks like it TASTES good for the scripture, “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” Psalm 34:8.  Or a picture of a salad with SERVING UTENSILS for the scripture, “Serve one another humbly in love!” Galatians 5:13.  Sometimes it’s OK to take the literal meaning of a word (taste, serve, etc.) and create a fun page with that.  I have found that many of the verses that were the easiest for me to learn were the ones on the Scripture Pages that were funny or cute.
So, happy learning today!!!

Also, if you do not have a Scripture Page book and would like one – the free offer still stands.  For more information see the Make Your Own Scripture Page book link or email me at khart@gmail.com.

More Fun Scripture Pages

Here are some more Fun Scripture Pages I thought you might enjoy!

Monday, August 15, 2011

II Timothy 1:5 - Heritage

In II Timothy 1:5 Paul speaks fondly of Timothy and his family when he says, “I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice.  And I know that same faith continues strong in you.”  It is obvious the love that Paul has for Timothy, but just as obvious that Timothy had been raised by some Godly women.  He had been given a Godly heritage.

When I read this passage I often think of my own grandmother, Inis Fields.  One of my fondest memories of her occurred when I was eight years old.  I had been really sick so my mother had taken me to the doctor.  He discovered that I had appendicitis and needed immediate surgery.  He told my mother that she was to take me straight to the hospital, not to even go home to pack me a bag.  I remember being frightened as we headed for the hospital, making a quick stop to tell my father what was going on.  I also remember the one thing I asked of my mother --- please call Grandma and ask her to pray.  At eight years old I KNEW that with one call my Grandmother would be on her knees in prayer.  I honestly don’t remember being frightened after I was assured that Grandma would be called.  In fact, I only remember three things from having my appendix taken out --- they burst while I was on the operating table, I had to stay in the hospital for over a week (which to an eight year old is very boring) and my Grandma prayed for me.

Lately I have been examining my life and the heritage that I am leaving my children and grandchildren.  Long after I am gone, how will I be remembered?  As the woman they could always call when they needed prayer?  Or as something different?

I want to be like Lois and Eunice were to Timothy.  Like Inis and Ruth have been to me.  I want to be a woman who provides her family with a Godly heritage.

Alternate Heritage Designs

After making the above Scripture Page several weeks ago, I had several friends request one for themselves of their family.  Below you will find 4 different blank Scripture Pages you can personalize.  Use pictures that remind you of your Godly heritage.  Or if you are a first generation Christian, then use pictures that show the Godly heritage you would like to leave behind, pictures of your children, your grandchildren.  I hope you enjoy these!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Luke 10:36-37 - It's Not About Me

This past Sunday, in Sunday School we talked about how often “It’s Not About Me” in relation to God and the way He works.  Then we walk into church and Mandy Gregg is leading worship and what does she say --- yep, you guessed it --- “It’s Not About Me.”  The concept of – It’s Not About Me – has been really been going over and over in my mind.  I have also been thinking about the Parable of the Good Samaritan and how Jesus instructed us to minister to others, to be a neighbor to everyone.  But, it got me to thinking …

What about the other two men who passed by the wounded man.  What were their reasons for passing by?  Were they pious and simply didn’t have time?  I know that is the mental picture I have always had.  But let me pose to you a different scenario.  Suppose that day, the thieves were targeting quite a few travelers on that lonely road.  Suppose the wounded man was actually the second man to be attacked?  Suppose that farther down the road, another man had also been attacked?  Maybe the Levite also had been attacked that day.  He too was wounded and hurting?  Scripture tells us in Luke 10:32, “Likewise a Levite, when he arrived at the place, came and looked, and passed by on the other side.”  We don’t know why he simply looked and passed on.  But, what if he too were wounded?  Did he possibly look at the man on the ground and feel compassion for him, but thought, “I can’t stop and help you.  I too am hurt and have to take care of myself.”?  How often do we also do that?  Become so focused on the hurt we are going through, our own needs, on ME, that we don’t take time for others who are also hurting?

A year ago I fell and broke my neck.  For three and a half long months I had to wear a stiff, confining neck brace.  During that time I had many “Why Me?” days.  My focus was on Me, Me, Me.  It was ALL about Me (at least in my mind).  I now wonder how many people I came in contact with during that time, at the hospital, at one of my many doctors’ appointments, at church – who were also hurting.  But because I was so focused on Me, I failed to minister to their hurts. 

The truth is – God was taking care of ME.  I really didn’t need to focus on me.  As a woman of faith, I forgot that when we turn our needs, our cares over to Him – that should end it for us.  God does not need my help!  In Psalm 37:25 we are reminded that, “I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread.”  And Philippians 4:19 tell us that, “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”  God had ME under control.  My focus should have been about who I could minister to, who needed to hear about God and His blessing.

So, I encourage you to remember – It’s Not About Me!  It’s about being a neighbor to those in need, ministering to others, worshipping Him and serving Him.